Leap (or get pushed). And trust the net.

This weekend I finished reading Tess Vigeland’s book Leap. She’s took a big (huge) leap leaving NPR’s Marketplace to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. Admit it, we all want to figure that out.

I’m in a lucky (if also terrifying) position to carefully choose the right path for me, not just the next path. Tess’ book provided much needed perspective.

Ugh, that damn ladder. We’re trained to climb it from the first job we get. And sometimes, you realize that you’re on the completely wrong ladder and you have to start all over again.

You are not your work. I repeat, you are NOT your work.

“I can’t wait to see where you’ll end up.” I now realize how loaded this platitude is. I have faith that I’ll end up somewhere great, doing something awesome. But what it is, who knows…

Thanks Jonathan Runyan for the recommended reading!


Why is strategy hard to explain?


Don’t confuse comfort for safety.